How to make a perfect Metebey Olive Leaf Tea?
Metebey Olive Leaf Stream was collected by hand from Memecik and Delice olive trees with high polyphenol and antioxidant levels. It is stored in locked bags that do not get light and air. You can drink it hot or cold.
First of all, use drinking water. If you pour boiling water directly onto the olive leaves, the beneficial phytochemicals in the leaf will be damaged. So after boiling the water, let it cool a little. Put 20 olive leaves in the container according to the desired taste intensity and pour the water over them and wait. After 10 minutes, your tea is ready. If you wish, you can sweeten it with honey, lemon, cinnamon, rose petals, orange blossom, mint or lavender. You can store this tea in a sealed bowl, in the refrigerator for 2 days.
Love from Şenköy
Attention! Olive leaf tea is very effective in lowering your blood pressure. If you have low blood pressure and low glucose levels, you should definitely drink this tea under the control of a doctor.
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